Talk to Transformer

It’s so easy to believe that the further we go, the worse things will get. It’s more difficult to believe that the further we go the better things will get. But if…

Humanity: Good Ending

Worthwhile Story on the potential app technology has.  I think a long time ago I saw Mark Zuckerberg post a story very similar to this. About the universe dying out because of…

Quantum Computers and AI

The intelligence explosion is coming soon. It’s hard for our minds to conceptualize the progress of Technology. Our minds are so used to seeing very small increments of progression. Small steps of…

Prince Of The Air

Ephians 2:2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at…

llustrating concepts and ideas from the Bible and trying to understand how they might apply to our modern-day world.