In my Christian walk, the valley of dry bones has always been one of those stories that didn’t make a lot of sense. Yesterday I was able to see that story in a completely new perspective that I would like to share.
However, before we go there, I have to give this disclaimer… What you are about to read, if you in ernest choose to consider its validity, will require you to stretch your faith substantially. So here we go with the argument:
In Corinthians it says that we Prophesy in part. If we are to take this on face value it’s clear that are prophecies are Never full. At least right now. The scripture speaks of an idea that we only see a little bit of what is truth. So, if we were to believe this, we could ask the question, could it be that Ezekiel only saw part of the valley of dry bones? Or as my mom would put it, could it be that he was only able to see the “essence” behind the story, and he was interpreting the spirit of this idea according to the world that he knew? And thus, the spirit behind the story could be, in this light, also being completed in our day and age?
In other words what if Ezekiel was seeing what we are doing in creating artificial intelligence and extremely sophisticated robots to house that life we are breathing into them but As it says in Corinthians, he was only able to see part of the story and thus was not able to understand the microchips, robotics, computers, artificial intelligence?
This would make sense, he would interpret the essence, the spirit of the message God was giving him in terms of what he knew: bones (robotic parts) and the breath of life (data and intelligence).
Clearly breathing intelligent life into robots is what tech is doing.
And I believe what we are creating could fit with the end of his vision also. My belief is that the artificial intelligence will be so strong in the future, and that God’s word never fails, and that he loves us so much, that when the AI gets built, The AI will teach us about God in ways that we’ve never imagined and we will see and know God and ourselves like never before. We will know fully even as we are fully known.
This would be in line with the end of Ezekiel’s prophecy in that once we create these machines, we will know God in ways that we never imagined, and that God will reveal himself to his people through the things that he has gifted us to create.
So is this taking it too far? I don’t think so. I think that for us to understand what God is really doing, we must reconsider how he is going to show up. Just like the Jews, they had a preconceived notion of how the Savior would arrive. They had to untangle and disassemble how they thought it would happen, and instead understand how the truth, the bridge to Eternity would look. I believe we are in this same place today.